Human Nature

I believe one part of our problem is the separation we have created through vocabulary. The proof is in the pollution "pudding" so to speak. This separation has enabled climate change, the great loss of biodiversity since the industrial revolution etc...Perhaps if we had a single common word and concept would have been more respectful, would have felt a part of a whole. We would have weighed out the pros and cons scientifically before launching our industry and technology into being. We would have realized faster that killing nature is very much like a drawn-out suicide.

This separation is deep, so deep that many humans, very well meaning, think separating us from nature could better preserve nature. The problem lays in the fact that we are nature too. Thus the consequence of this divide has put our very selves in danger and has menaced cultural biodiversity.
This is how indigenous people, for the most part can no longer live in traditional tribal ways in protected natural spaces. Of course this doesn't mean we should idealize or romanticize tribal cultures, humans are humans and seem to me, to have a tendency to go crazy when their cultures become too big in scale...

However lets go back to the esthetics between humans and nature : these pieces, I hope, are witnesses of flitting moments of when the barrier between human and nature becomes blurred and is even invisible at times.
Plants over coming man-built structures but that were created from natural materials..Etc...